MARI1983 C. Marius (15) C. f. C. n.

Life Dates

  • 108?, birth (DPRR Team) Expand

    Corn. Nepos Att. 1.3-4 (aequalis of Atticus & Cicero, all childhood friends), Vell. 2.26.1 (aged 26 in 82).

  • 82, proscribed (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Hinard 82 no. 48

  • 82, death - violent (Broughton MRR II) Expand

    Suicide, evading capture.


son of
Iulia (541) (daughter of C. Iulius (129) Caesar) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Auct. vir. ill. 68.1, Plut. Caes. 1.1

C. Marius (14, Supb. 6) C. f. C. n. Cor. (cos. 107) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Ampel. 42.3, App. b.c. I 60 (271), App. b.c. I 62 (280), Cic. Phil. XIII 1, Cic. p. red. ad Quir. 20, Dio frg. 102.12 (XXX-XXXV), Diod. XXXVIII 12., Diod. XXXVIII 15, Eutr. V 8.1, Flor. II 9.20, Liv. per. 77, Liv. per. 86, Oros. V 18.24, Oros. V 19.8, Plin. n.h. XXXIII 16, Plut. Sulla 28.4(7), Vell. II 19.4, Vell. II 20.5, Vell. II 26.1

married to
Licinia (184) (daughter of L. Licinius (55) L. f. C. n. Crassus (cos. 95)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. Att. XII 49.1, Cic. Balb. 49, Cic. de orat. I 66


  • Consul 82 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Cic. Leg. Agr. 3.6-7 and 11; Phil. 8.7; 13.1; Fast. Cap., Degrassi 54f., 130, 484f.; Val. Max. 7.6.4; Vell. 2.26. 1, and 27. 1; Plin. NH 7.158 and 165; App. BC 1.87, and 98; Eutrop. 5.8; Chr. 354 (Gratilliano et Carbo III); Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Augustin. CD 3.28; Cassiod.; and on Carbo, Val. Max. 7.6.4; 9.7.3, and 13.2. Marius, elected Consul at the age of 26, was routed by Sulla at Sacriportus, and besieged for a long time in Praeneste, where, after attempts to relieve him proved unsuccessful, he met his death while trying to escape (Cic. Rosc. Amer. 90; Sall. Hist. 1.35, and 36 M; Diod. 37.29.4; 38.12-15; Jacoby, FGrH 2 B. 115 1, no. 252; Liv. Per. 86-88; Strabo 5.3.11, 239c; Vell. 2.26-27; Val. Max. 6.8.2; Fenestella fr. 16 Peter; Plin. NH 33.16; Plut. Mar. 46.5-6; Sull. 28.4-29.8; 32.1; Sert. 6.1; Brut. 29.4; App. BC 1.87-94; Flor. 2.9.21-25; Dio 30-35 fr. 108.1-2; Eutrop. 5.8.1; Auct. Vir. Ill. 68; 75.8-9; Iul. Exup. 5: and 8; Ampel. 42.2; Oros. 5.20.6, and 21.8-10). Carbo, when checked in Picenum by Metellus and Pompey, turned to face Sulla in Etruria, but met reverses here too. He failed to relieve his Legate Carrinas in Spoletium, lost Cisalpine Gaul, and was unable to relieve Marius at Praeneste; so he deserted his army and took refuge in Africa (Sall. Hist. 1.38 M; Liv. Per. 88; Val. Max. 6.2.10; Plin. NE 8.221; Plut. Sull. 28.8; 29.4; Pomp. 7.3; 8.4-6; Sert. 6.1; cf. 22.3; Brut. 29.4; App. BC 1.87-93; Flor. 2.9.21; Eutrop. 5.8.2; Auct. Vir. Ill. 75.8; Iul. Exup. 5, and 8; Ampel. 42; Augustin. CD 3.28; Oros. 5.20.5 and 7, and 21.3). He then moved to join Perperna in Sicily, but was captured and put to death by Pompey (Cic. Fam. 9.21.3; Att. 9.14.2; Sall. Ad Caes. 1.4; Hist. 1.52 M; Liv. Per. 89; Val. Max. 5.3.5; 6.2.8; 9.13.2; Lucan 2.548, and Schol. Bern. p. 83U; Plut. Pomp. 10.1-4; App. BC 1.96; Flor. 2.9.26; Eutrop. 5.8.2, and 9.1; Oros. 5.21.11, and 24.16; Schol. Groib. 320 Stangl). (Broughton MRR II)
    • 1 Although Münzer (RE) is inclined to date the death of Papirius Carbo early in 8 1, 1 think it probable that he was put to death before the end of 82. Valerius Maximus twice refers to his death in his third consulship (6.2.8; 9.13.2), and Fast. Cap. probably contained a similar notice (see Degrassi 54f., 130), While Appian places the death of both Consuls before the appointment of an Interrex and Sulla's assumption of the dictatorship (BC 1.98). This event is listed in Fast. Cap. between the Consuls of 82 and 8 1. Pompey, who captured Carbo at Cossyra and put him to death at Lilybaeum, was probably sent to Sicily before the battle at the Colline Gate and the capture of Praeneste (See Promagistrates, on Pompey; and note 2). (Broughton MRR II)