GENU0489 L. Genucius (14) M. f. Cn. n. Aventinensis

Life Dates

  • 362, death - violent (Broughton MRR I) Expand

    KIA, against Hernici.


  • Consul 365 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • On the name of Genucius, see Fast. Cap. for 362. On Fast. Hyd. and Chr. Pasc., see 366, note 1. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 7.1.7; Diod. 15.90.1; Fast. Cap. ([- -Ave]ntinensis; S.'s name entire); Eutrop. 2.4; Chr. 354 (Abentinensis et Haala); Oros. 3.4.1; Cassiod.; Lyd. Magg. 1.46. See Degrassi 32f., 104, 400f. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Consul 362 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • In Diod. Genucius also has the praenomen Quintus. In Fast. Cap. no note was added regarding the death of Genucius. See Fast. Cap. for 365, which supplements the names as given here. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 7.4.1, and 6.12; Diod. 16.4.1; Fast. Cap. ([- - - -] Ahala II; G.'s name entire); Chr. 354 (Haala II et Abentinense); Fast. Hyd. (Achala et Genucio); Chr. Pasc. ({Gr}); Cassiod.; Degrassi 34f., 104, 400f. Genucius was killed in battle with the Hernici (Liv. 7.6.7-9). (Broughton MRR I)