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a committee of former legates to the Peloponnese, appointed by the Senate to hear the arguments of four groups of Lacedaemonian envoys

  1. QUIN0999 T. Quinctius (45) T. f. L. n. Flamininus (cos. 198)

  2. CAEC0891 Q. Caecilius (81) L. f. L. n. Metellus (cos. 206)

  3. CLAU1118 Ap. Claudius (294) Ap. f. P. n. Pulcher (cos. 185)





decemvir agris dandis attribuendis iudicandis

  1. IULI1799 C. Iulius (130) C. f. L. n. Caesar (pr.? 92)


officer (title not preserved)

  1. FULV3185 A. Fulvius (cf. 94) A. f. Tro. (sen. 63)

  2. HIRT3707 Q. Hirtuleius (4) L. f. Ser. (sen. 82)

  3. LUCA3807 M. Lucanius (1) M. f. Hor. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  4. TARQ2058 C. Tarquitius (8) L. f. Fal. Priscus (sen. 82)

  5. INST2055 L. Insteius (2) L. f. Fal.? (sen. 82)

  6. IUNI4621 L. Iunius (21) Q. f. Lem. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  7. LAET4622 C. Laetorius (4) C. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  8. MARC2567 Q. Marcius (83) L. f. Pap. Philippus (pr. before 47)

  9. NONI4623 L. Nonius (8) T. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  10. NONI4624 T. Nonius (10) T. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  11. OPIM4625 L. Opimius (6) Q. f. Hor. (grandson of? Q. Opimius (10) Q. f. Q. n. (cos. 154))

  12. OPPI3230 Cn. Oppius (28) Cn. f. Vel. Cornicinus (sen. 57)

  13. OTAC4626 M'. Otacilius (4) M'. f. Pol. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  14. PEDA4627 P. Pedanius (3) P. f. Aem. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  15. PETR4628 T. Petronius (93) T. f. Fab. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  16. POMP4629 Sex. Pompeius (cf. 19, Bd. 21.2 col. 2060) Sex. f. Clu. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  17. SERG1998 L. Sergius (23) Tro. Catilina (pr. 68)

  18. VETU4630 T. Veturius (7) T. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  19. ACIL4370 T. Acilius (not in RE) T. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  20. PETI5075 Q. Petillius (5) L. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  21. TERE5076 L. Terentius (24) A. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  22. TERE5077 T. Terentius (35) A. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  23. VETT5078 L. Vettius (not in RE) L. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  24. FORN5079 C. Fornasidius (3.527) C. f. Pol. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  25. POMP1976 Cn. Pompeius (31) Cn. f. Sex. n. Clu. Magnus (cos. 70)

  26. HOST5080 M. Hostilius (6) M. f. Vel. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  27. AEBU4369 L. Aebutius (not in RE) L. f. Men. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  28. ROSI5081 Q. Rosidius (not in RE) Q. f. Qui. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  29. HERI5082 C. Herius (not in RE) C. f. Clu. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  30. PONT5083 L. Pontius (not in RE) T. f. Qui. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  31. FULV5084 A. Fulvius (7) A. f. Tro. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  32. AMPU4375 Q. Ampudius (not in RE) Q. f. Aem. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  33. MINU1934 L. Minucius (37) L. f. Vel. Basilus (tr. mil. 86)

  34. BUSS4386 Cn. Bussenius (Bussenius) Cn. f. Ste. (officer (title not preserved) 89)

  35. TULL2072 M. Tullius (29) M. f. M. n. Cor. Cicero (cos. 63)





officer (title not preserved)

  1. FANN2220 L. Fannius (12) (sen. 82)


triumvir rei publicae constituendae

  1. AEMI2341 M. Aemilius (73) M. f. Q. n. Lepidus (cos. 46)

  2. ANTO2392 M. Antonius (30) M. f. M. n. (cos. 44)

  3. IULI2597 C. Iulius (132) C. f. C. n. Fab. Caesar Octavianus = C. Octavius C. f. Sca. Thurinus (or Caepias) (cos. suff. 43)

officer (title not preserved)

  1. DOMI2699 Cn. Domitius (23) L. f. Cn. n. Ahenobarbus (cos. 32)

  2. ANON2796 L. -? (Quinctilius 8) Varus (officer - title not preserved 42)

  3. CALP2543 Cn. Calpurnius (95) Cn. f. Cn. n. Piso Frugi (q.? 50)

  4. CASS2742 L. Cassius (15) L. f. Longinus (sen. 43)

  5. HIRT3706 -. Hirtius (4) (sen. 43)

  6. RUPI2714 P. Rupilius (10) Rex (pr.? 43)

  7. ATIL5115 -. Atilius (5) (officer (title not preserved) 42)

  8. LUCI5120 -. Lucilius (2) (sen. 43)

  9. TERE5127 M. Terentius (Licinius 110) Varro Lucullus (officer (title not preserved) 42)

  10. VETU4701 -. Vetulinus (not in RE) Vetulinus (sen. 43)

  11. VETU4702 -. Vetulinus (not in RE) Vetulinus (son of? -. Vetulinus (not in RE) Vetulinus (sen. 43))

  12. VOLU5130 P. Volumnius (8) (sen. 43)

  13. MANL2725 A. Manlius (72) Torquatus (q. 43)

  14. LICI2860 M. Licinius (58) M. f. M. n. Crassus (promag. 37)

  15. AEMI2895 L. Aemilius (82) L. f. M. n. Tro. Lepidus Paullus (cos. suff. 34)

  16. PETR3772 -. Petronius (85) (sen. 44)

  17. VOLU4558 -. Volumnius (9) (officer (title not preserved)? 42)

quattuorvir argento publico feriundo

  1. VIBI3525 C. Vibius (20) Varus (IIIIvir a. p. f. 42)

  2. MUSS3568 L. Mussidius (3) T. f. Longus (IIIIvir a. p. f. 42)

  3. CLOD3633 P. Clodius (10) M. f. (IIIIvir a. p. f. 42)

  4. LIVI2629 L. Livineius (3) L. f. Regulus (son of? L. Livineius (2) Regulus (pr. before 42))