MAMI1011 Q. Mamilius (13) Turrinus


son of
? C. Mamilius (11) Q. f. Q. n. Turrinus (cos. 239) (Zmeskal 2009)
brother of
? C. Mamilius (5) Atellus (pr. 207) (Zmeskal 2009)


  • Aedilis Plebis 207 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 28.10.3 and 7. On Pomponius, see D.- G. 5.5, no. 7; Lübker, no. 8. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Praetor 206 inter peregrinos, Gallia, Gallia Cisalpina, Rome (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Sent to protect the repopulated colonies of Cremona and Placentia (Liv. 28.11.11). (Broughton MRR I)
    • p. 728 (Brennan 2000)