CLAU1235 Ti. Claudius (250) Nero


  • Patrician


  • Legatus (Ambassador)? 185 Macedonia, Achaea (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Livy reports this embassy under the year 185, but the appointment could have been made late in the consular year 186. I accept Niese's dating (3.22, note 1). They could leave Rome in the spring, visit Tempe and Thessalonica, and be at Argos for the Nemean games in August (Polyb. 22.10.1). (Broughton MRR I)
    • Polybius (22.6.6) gives Ti. Claudius as the third name, but Livy twice mentions Ti. Sempronius (39.24.13, and 33.1). The epitomator of Polybius may be at fault, but if Ti. Claudius is correct, Nero is a probable candidate. Geer (TAPhA 69 [1938] 385, note 10) is inclined to accept Claudius, but points out that Sempronius need not be the father of the Gracchi. Longus (Cos. 194) and the Gracchus who was Augur from 204 to 174 (but see 174, note 5) may also be considered. He seens however that the third member of the embassy should most suitably be a junior senator. If Gracchus was sent on this embassy we may suppose that he returned early to become a candidate for the Tribunate of 184 (Münzer). Krug (38) accepts Claudius. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Sent to deal with disputes between Philip of Macedon and his neighbors in Greece and with complaints arising from his occupation of Aenus and Maronea (Polyb. 22.6; 23.2.7; Liv. 39.23.5-29.3, cf. 33.1; Pausan. 7.8.6). They also discussed the Achaean treatment of Sparta with the Achaean magistrates, who refused Metellus' request that they call an assembly (Polyb. 22.10; 23.4.7; Diod. 29.17; Pausan. 7.8.6, and 9.1). (Broughton MRR I)
  • Legatus (Ambassador)? 184 Macedonia, Achaea (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • They reported to the Senate at the beginning of 184 (Polyb. 22.11.1, and 12.5-10; Liv. 39.33.1). (Broughton MRR I)
  • Praetor 181 Sicilia (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Election Liv. 40.18.2 Provinces and armies 40.18.3 and 5. (Broughton MRR I)
    • p. 733, footnote 76 (Brennan 2000)