Served under Metellus Numidicus (Gäbler, Ant. Münz. Nordgriechenlands 3.65; cf. Head HN
239). (Broughton MRR I)
Quaestor 148. See MRR 1.461. P. A. MacKay rejects Gabler's dates for the quaestorships of C. Publilius and L. Fulcinnius in Macedonia (146, under L. Mummius, and 148, under Metellus Macedonicus, respectively), and returns, primarily basing his argument on the nature of the coin types, to Lenormant's dating of 168 or 167. He would assign C. Publilius to 168 and L. Fulcinnius to 167, both under Aemilius Paullus (ANSMuN 14, 1968, 5-13).
(Broughton MRR III)