ATER0159 A. Aternius (RE 2.1923) Varus Fontinalis


  • Patrician


  • Consul 454 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Cic. Rep. 2.60; Liv. 3.31.5; Diod. 12.6.1; Fast. Cap. ; Dion. Hal. 10.48.1; Plin. NH 7.101; Gell. 2.11.1; Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; Degrassi 24f., 93, 364f. The Lex Aternia Tarpeia regulating payment of fines is dated to this consulship (Cic. Rep. 2.60; Gell. 11.1.2; Fest. 270 L; cf. Dion. Hal. 10.50.2; Plin. NH 18.11; 33.1.1; Rotondi 200). (Broughton MRR I)
    • In Fast. Cap. the names are preserved entire except Ca[p]itolin(us), and the filiation of Aternius. (Broughton MRR I)