1 Klebs (RE), Wehrmann (Fast. Praet. 23), and Niccolini (FTP 214) date Cotta's praetorship after 93 B. C. because they believe that he held the tribunate in 95. As we have pointed out above (see 103, Tribunes of the Plebs), 103 is a more probable date. He was a friend of Catulus, Consul 102, and is termed his sodalis (Cic. De Or. 3.42; in a priesthood?, Münzer, RE 13.2.2079). He is mentioned in Cicero's Brutua (137; 289) with a group who flourished mainly before 100 B. C. I place Cotta's praetorship by conjecture about eight years after his tribunate. (Broughton MRR II)
Cic. Brut. 137, praetorius; 259; De Or. 2.197; 3.42 and 46. (Broughton MRR II)