CLAU1851 M. Claudius (227) M. f. Arn. Marcellus


grandson of
M. Claudius (225) M. f. M. n. Marcellus (cos. 166) (RE)
son of
? M. Claudius (226) Marcellus (pr.? before 102) (Brennan 2000)
brother of
? P. Cornelius (230) Marcelli f. Lentulus Marcellinus (monetal. 100) (DPRR Team)
? M. Claudius (231) Marcellus Aeserninus (son of M. Claudius (226) Marcellus (pr.? before 102)) (DPRR Team)
father of
M. Claudius (229) M. f. M. n. Marcellus (cos. 51) (RE)
C. Claudius (217) M. f. M. n. Marcellus (cos. 49) (RE)


  • Aedilis Curulis 91 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • 7 The date is given by the dramatic date of the De Oratore of Cicero, in September, 91. Even if the clause containing his title is a gloss, the Roman games which he gave at that time require a Curule Aedile. (Broughton MRR II)
    • Cic. De Or. 1.57. (Broughton MRR II)
    • M. Claudius Marcellus (226), Praetor, uncertain date; M. Claudius M. f. Arn. Marcellus (227), Praetor, uncertain date. The former was senior legate of Marius in 102 (MRR 1.569, 570, note 6), whom Sumner considers to be already a praetorius (Orators 91-93). He was also a senior legate under L. Iulius Caesar in 90 and was the defender of Aesernia under siege (E. Gabba, Comm. on App. BC 1.4042; cf. MRR 2.28). He had already come under attack from L. Licinius Crassus, Cos. 95, in the later 90s and was acquitted (Cic. Font. 24; Val. Max. 8.5.3; cf. Gruen, RPCC 194, 204). Sumner distinguishes him from the curule aedile of 91 (Orators 93; cf. MRR 2.21, note 7), and with Munzer on RE no. 227 identifies the latter with the M. Claudius M. f. Arn. Marcellus, the senior praetorius listed in the consilium of 73 (SIG(3) 747; Sherk, RDGE 133-138, no. 23), who must have held the praetorship many years before. It is not certain how offices should be divided between nos. 226 and 227 (Sumner, loc. cit.; Syme, CPh 50, 1955, 132). (Broughton MRR III)
  • Praetor? before 74 (Broughton MRR III) Expand
    • M. Claudius Marcellus (226), Praetor, uncertain date; M. Claudius M. f. Arn. Marcellus (227), Praetor, uncertain date. The former was senior legate of Marius in 102 (MRR 1.569, 570, note 6), whom Sumner considers to be already a praetorius (Orators 91-93). He was also a senior legate under L. Iulius Caesar in 90 and was the defender of Aesernia under siege (E. Gabba, Comm. on App. BC 1.4042; cf. MRR 2.28). He had already come under attack from L. Licinius Crassus, Cos. 95, in the later 90s and was acquitted (Cic. Font. 24; Val. Max. 8.5.3; cf. Gruen, RPCC 194, 204). Sumner distinguishes him from the curule aedile of 91 (Orators 93; cf. MRR 2.21, note 7), and with Munzer on RE no. 227 identifies the latter with the M. Claudius M. f. Arn. Marcellus, the senior praetorius listed in the consilium of 73 (SIG(3) 747; Sherk, RDGE 133-138, no. 23), who must have held the praetorship many years before. It is not certain how offices should be divided between nos. 226 and 227 (Sumner, loc. cit.; Syme, CPh 50, 1955, 132). (Broughton MRR III)
    • p. 749, footnote 309 (Brennan 2000)