POMP1976 Cn. Pompeius (31) Cn. f. Sex. n. Clu. Magnus
Caes. Bell. Afr. 22.5, Liv. Per. 85, Lucan. BC. 7.582-585, 8.756-758, 10.386, 10.713, [Acro.] Hor. Carm. 1.14, SHA. Tres Gord. 17.1-3
Eques R
Nicolet Ref 277. Cic. Leg. Man. 62. eques Romanus
Life Dates
- 106, birth (Rüpke 2005)
48, death - violent (Broughton MRR II)
Murdered by L. Septimius.
- son of
Lucilia (33)
(daughter of? M. (or M'.) Lucilius (11) M. f. Pom. (Rufus?)? (sen. 129))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Horat. sat. II 1.74ff., Vell. II 29.2
Cn. Pompeius (45) Sex. f. Cn. n. Strabo 'Menogenes'
(cos. 89)
(Zmeskal 2009)
App. b.c. I 40 (179), Asc. Pison. 14C, Asc. Pison. 3C, Cic. Manil. 28, Cic. Pis. 58, Dio frg. 107.1 (XXX-XXXV), Gell. XV 4.3, Liv. per. 85, Plin. n.h. VII 54, Plut. Pomp. 1.1, Strab. V 1.6 (213 C), Suet. rhet. 3, Vell. II 15.3, Vell. II 21.1f., Vell. II 29.1, Vell. II 29.5
- brother of
Pompeia (56)
(daughter of? Cn. Pompeius (45) Sex. f. Cn. n. Strabo 'Menogenes' (cos. 89))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Plut. Pomp. 11.2
Pompeia (53)
(daughter of? Cn. Pompeius (45) Sex. f. Cn. n. Strabo 'Menogenes' (cos. 89))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Oros. V 23.12, Plut. Pomp. 11.2, Plut. Sert. 21.1(2)
- married to
Antistia (60)
(daughter of P. Antistius (18) (aed. 86))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Plut. Pomp. 4.2, Plut. Pomp. 4.5
Aemilia (154)
(daughter of M. Aemilius (140) M. f. L. n. Cam. Scaurus (cos. 115))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Plut. Sulla 33.3(4)
Mucia (28) Tertia
(daughter of Q. Mucius (22) P. f. P. n. Scaevola 'Pontifex' (cos. 95))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Asc. Scaur. 19C
Iulia (547)
(daughter of C. Iulius (131) C. f. C. n. Fab. Caesar (cos. 59))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Dio XLI 53.1, Dio XLI 57.4, Dio XLII 8.1, Dio XLIV 28.3, Dio XLIV 44.3, Dio XXXVIII 9.1, Plut. Pomp. 49.3, Plut. Pomp. 70.4, Suet. Caes. 21, Suet. Caes. 50.1f., Vell. II 47.2
Cornelia (417)
(daughter of Q. Caecilius (99) Q. f. Q. n. Fab. Metellus Pius Scipio = P. Cornelius (352) Scipio Nasica (cos. 52))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Dio XL 51.2, Dio XLII 2.3, Dio XLII 49.2, Dio XLII 5.7, Flor. II 13.52, Plut. Pomp. 55.1, Plut. Pomp. 74.1, Plut. Pomp. 74.3, Plut. Pomp. 76.6(5), Sen. ep. 24.9, Val. Max. III 8.7, Val. Max. IX 5.3, Vell. II 54.2
- divorced from
Antistia (60)
(daughter of P. Antistius (18) (aed. 86))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Plut. Pomp. 9.2f.
Mucia (28) Tertia
(daughter of Q. Mucius (22) P. f. P. n. Scaevola 'Pontifex' (cos. 95))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Cic. Att. I 12.3, Plut. Pomp. 42.7, Plut. Pomp. 44.2, Suet. Caes. 50.1f.
- father of
Pompeia (54)
(daughter of Cn. Pompeius (31) Cn. f. Sex. n. Clu. Magnus (cos. 70))
(Zmeskal 2009)
Oros. VI 16.5, Suet. Caes. 50.1f.
Cn. Pompeius (32) Cn. f. Cn. n. Magnus
(promag. 45)
(Zmeskal 2009)
App. b.c. II 87 (366), Auct. vir. ill. 78.8, Caes. b.Afr. 23.3, Dio XLII 12.4, Dio XLII 2.3, Dio XLII 5.7, Dio XLIII 30.1, Eutr. VI 24, Flor. II 18.4, Liv. per. 113, Liv. XXXIV 9.3, Oros. VI 16.6, Oros. VI 16.8, Sen. dial. X de brev. vit. 5.2, Strab. III 2.2 (141 C), Strab. XIV 1.47 (650 C), Suet. Caes. 50.1f., Vell. II 55.2
Sex. Pompeius (33) Cn. f. Cn. n. Magnus Pius
(sen. 43)
(Zmeskal 2009)
Ampel. 41.4, App. b.c. IV 83 (348), Auct. vir. ill. 78.8, Auct. vir. ill. 79.2, Cic. Phil. XIII 50, Cic. Phil. XIII 8, Dio XLII 2.3, Dio XLII 49.2, Dio XLII 5.7, Dio XLIX 17.5, Dio XLV 10.1, Dio XLV 10.6, Diod. XL 4, Eutr. VI 24, Eutr. VII 4, Flor. I 41.9, Flor. II 13.52, Flor. II 13.74, Flor. II 14.2, Flor. II 14.3, Flor. II 18.4, Liv. per. 123, Liv. XXXIV 9.3, Lucan. II 631f., Lucan. II 727ff., Lucan. IX 120ff., Lucan. IX 125ff., Lucan. IX 145ff, Lucan. IX 163ff., Lucan. IX 51ff., Lucan. IX 85, Lucan. VI 420, Lucan. VI 589, Lucan. VI 593ff., Lucan. VI 716ff., Lucan. VI 802ff., Lucan. VI 826ff., Lucan. VII 376f., Lucan. VIII 204ff., Lucan. VIII 579ff., Lucan. VIII 632ff., Oros. VI 15.28, Oros. VI 16.6, Oros. VI 16.8, Oros. VI 18.2, Plut. Cato min. 56.1, Strab. III 2.2 (141 C), Strab. III 4.10 (161 C), Strab. XIV 1.47 (650 C), Suet. Aug. 9, Suet. Caes. 35.2, Suet. Caes. 50.1f., Vell. II 53.1, Vell. II 72.4, Vell. II 73.1, Vell. II 73.3
- Officer (Title Not Preserved) 89 (Suolahti 1955) Expand
- Propraetor? 83 Italia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Propraetor 82 Italia, Sicilia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Triumphator c. 81 (Rich 2014) Expand
- Propraetor 81 Sicilia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Triumphator c. 80 (Rich 2014) Expand
- Propraetor 80 Sicilia, Africa (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Propraetor 79 Africa (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 77 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Augur? 77 to 72 (Rüpke 2005)
- Proconsul 76 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 75 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 74 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 73 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 72 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Triumphator 71 (Rich 2014) Expand
- Augur 71 to 48 (Rüpke 2005) Expand
- Moneyer 71 (RRC) Expand
- Proconsul 71 Hispania Citerior (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Consul 70 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 67 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 66 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 65 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 64 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 63 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 62 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Triumphator 61 (Rich 2014) Expand
- Proconsul 61 Mediterranean (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Vigintivir Agris Dandis Assignandis 59 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 57 Rome (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 56 Rome (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 55 Rome (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Consul 55 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 54 Rome, Hispania (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 53 Rome, Hispania (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 52 Rome, Hispania (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Consul 52 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 51 Hispania (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 50 Hispania (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Proconsul 49 Hispania, Italia, Achaea (Broughton MRR II) Expand
- Moneyer 49 (RRC) Expand
- Proconsul 48 Italia, Achaea (Broughton MRR II) Expand