SERV1999 M. Servilius (4, 19) (C. f.)


son of
? Caecilia (130) Metella (daughter of Q. Caecilius (94) Q. f. L. n. Metellus Macedonicus (cos. 143)) (DPRR Team)
? C. Servilius (91) M. f. M. n. Vatia (pr.? before 121) (Brennan 2000)
brother of
? M. Servilius (19) C. f. (son of? C. Servilius (91) M. f. M. n. Vatia (pr.? before 121)) (DPRR Team)
? P. Servilius (93) C. f. M. n. Vatia Isauricus (cos. 79) (DPRR Team)
? C. Servilius (12, cf. 11) (Vatia) (pr. 102) (DPRR Team)


  • Praetor before 86 (Brennan 2000) Expand
    • p. 744, footnote 202 (Brennan 2000)
  • Legatus (Lieutenant) 82 Italia (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • 10 The identification of the two Servilii remains uncertain, as only the nomen is given in our sources for the year 82. (Broughton MRR II)
    • See below, on Servilius Isauricus. (Broughton MRR II)