LUCR2003 Q. Lucretius (25) Afella (or Ofella)?


  • Eques R Expand

    Nicolet Ref 206. App. BC. 1.471.

Life Dates

  • 124?, birth (Sumner Orators) Expand

    Sumner R133.

  • 82, death - violent (Broughton MRR II) Expand

    Executed by Sulla.


  • Praetor? before 81 (Broughton MRR III) Expand
    • See MRR 2.72. His cognomen was probably Afella (Badian, JRS 57, 1967, 227-228). Put to death at Sulla's command when he persisted in an illegal candidacy for the consulship (App. BC 1.101). Dated to 82 by Badian, CR 9, 1959, 274, rev. of E. Gabba, ed. Appian, BC 1. Against Appian's statement that he was a knight who had held no magistracies, Sumner suggests that he had held the praetorship and offended by moving for the consulship immediately (Veil. 2.27.6; Orators 107). (Broughton MRR III)
    • p. 748, footnote 296 (Brennan 2000)
  • Praefectus? 82 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Served under Sulla (App. BC 1.88). A former Marian, whom Sulla placed in charge of the siege of Praeneste (Liv. Per. 88; Plut. Sull. 29.8; App. BC 1.88, and 93-94; Dio 30-35, fr. 108.1; Auct. Vir. Ill. 68.4; Oros. 5.21.8; cf. Vell. 2.27.6; Frontin. Str. 2.9.3; and perhaps Sall. Hist. 1.46M). (Broughton MRR II)