CIL 12.2.953; Cic. Verr. 2.1.130, and 3.18; Sall. Hist. 2.42M; Fast. Cap., Degrassi 56f., 130, 486 f. (L. O[cta]vius Cn. f. Cn. n., C. Aur[el]ius M. f. [- n. C]ot [ta]); Obseq. 60; Chr. 354 (Octavio et Cotta); Cassiod.; and on Cotta, Cic. Pis. 62; Ascon. 66 C. Cotta carried a law permitting Tribunes of the Plebs to attain ocher magistracies (Cic. Corn. in Ascon. 66, and 7SC; Sall. Hist. 2.49M; 3.48.8M; cf. Ps.-Ascon. 255 Stangi). He also concluded a treaty with King Hiempsal of Numidia (Cic. Leg. Agr. 2.58), and carried two laws, one affecting private cases (Cic. Corn. 1.9 and Ascon. 66C), and the other censorial leases (Cic. Verr. 2.3.19, cf. 18 and 130; cf. Ps.-Ascon. 251 Stangl), both abrogated the following year. A shortage in the grain supply occasioned the speech recorded in Sall. Hist. 2.44-48M. (Broughton MRR II)