AELI2045 C. Aelius (98) Paetus = C. Staienus (3A.2133)

Life Dates

  • 108?, birth (Sumner Orators) Expand

    Sumner R189.


adopted son of
-. Aelius (C) (adoptive father of C. Aelius (98) Paetus = C. Staienus (3A.2133) (q. 77)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. Brut. 241, Cic. Cluent. 72


  • Quaestor 77 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • 3 On Staienus' assumption of the name Aelius Paetus, see Cic. Brut. 24 1, and Cluent. 72. (Broughton MRR II)
    • Served under the Consul Lepidus, and was charged with treason for exciting his army to mutiny (Cic. Cluent. 99). (Broughton MRR II)