The following persons, named in a list in Macrobius (Sat. 3.13.11) appear to have entered the college of Pontifices after Caesar was inaugurated in 73 and before P. Sulpicius Galba, who entered at the latest in 69 (see L. R. Taylor, AJPh 63 [1942] 385-412): (Broughton MRR II)
Although he was a juror in the trial of Cluentius (Cic. Cluent. 198), and was probably the Pontifex Minor listed in Macrob. Sat. 3.13.11, and although he is listed after a senator in Cicero, it is less certain that he was a senator than Gundel (RE) and Nicolet (L'ordre equestre 1083, no. 401) believe. He may have been placed last for rhetorical effect (Shackleton Bailey, Onom.). As the Pontifex Minor does not appear in 57 (Cic. Har. Resp. 12; MRR 2.206), he cannot be both the Pont. Min. and the friend of M. Antonius in 43 (Cic. Phil. 13.3).
(Broughton MRR III)
Although he was a juror in the trial of Cluentius (Cic. Cluent. 198), and was probably the Pontifex Minor listed in Macrob. Sat. 3.13.11, and although he is listed after a senator in Cicero, it is less certain that he was a senator than Gundel (RE) and Nicolet (L'ordre equestre 1083, no. 401) believe. He may have been placed last for rhetorical effect (Shackleton Bailey, Onom.). As the Pontifex Minor does not appear in 57 (Cic. Har. Resp. 12; MRR 2.206), he cannot be both the Pont. Min. and the friend of M. Antonius in 43 (Cic. Phil. 13.3).
(Broughton MRR III)
Senator - Office Unknown?
c. 66
(Broughton MRR III)
Although he was a juror in the trial of Cluentius (Cic. Cluent. 198), and was probably the Pontifex Minor listed in Macrob. Sat. 3.13.11, and although he is listed after a senator in Cicero, it is less certain that he was a senator than Gundel (RE) and Nicolet (L'ordre equestre 1083, no. 401) believe. He may have been placed last for rhetorical effect (Shackleton Bailey, Onom.). As the Pontifex Minor does not appear in 57 (Cic. Har. Resp. 12; MRR 2.206), he cannot be both the Pont. Min. and the friend of M. Antonius in 43 (Cic. Phil. 13.3).
(Broughton MRR III)