SERV0266 C. Servilius (37) Structus Ahala


  • Patrician


  • Consul 427 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Livy gives Servilius the cognomen Ahala, and makes the Mil. Tr. of 418 (Axilla in Fast. Cap.) a son of Priscus, the Dictator who captured Fidenae in 435 and Labicum in 418. He is called Structus in Diod. and Chr. 354. See Münzer, RE no. 37, and Mommsen, RF 2.209f., who believe these variations to be due to annalistic interpolation and prefer to follow the Fast. Cap. See 419, note 1. Münzer (RE) notes the uncertainty whether Mugillanus is the Consul of 444 or his son. As the tradition provides no evidence of iteration Degrassi would distinguish two Consuls. It is reasonable to suppose that the Consul of 427 and the Military Tribune of 422 were the same person. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 4.30.12; Diod. 12.78.1; Chr. 354 (Structo et Mugilliano); Fast. Hyd. (Achillo et Mugilano); Chr. Pasc. ({Gr}); Cassiod.; Degrassi 96, 374f. On Papirius, see Lübker no. 14. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate 419 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • The filiation given in ILS 9338, 2 for Menenius, Cos. 439, and in Fast. Cap. for 417 for the Mil. Tr. c. p. of that year, makes it probable, despite the{72} doubts of Hülsen and Degrassi (references on p. 96), that they were one and the same person. Livy omits Servilius Axilla here, and in 418 lists a son of Priscus, and in 417 names L. (for C.) Servilius Structus iterum. In 418 moreover he records traditions that confuse a Priscus and an Ahala as Masters of Horse. All four cases are attributed in Fast. Cap. to the same person, namely, Axilla (see Degrassi 96f.). Servilius' filiation and cognomen as given above appear in Fast. Cap. for 418, the filiation of Lucretius in Fast. Cap. for 417. See 427, note 1. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 4.44.13; Fast. Cap. ([- - - -Ag]ripp. n. Lanatus; [- - - -] Tricipitinus; Sp. Nautiu[s- - - - -]; C. Serviliu[s- - - -]); Dion. Hal. 12.6.6; Fast. Min., CIL 1 .1, p. 55, no. 1 ([C- - - -Me]nenio Agrippa, Lucretio T[- - - - -]); Chr. 354 (Lanato et Rufillo); Degrassi 26f., 96f., 376f. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate 418 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Papirius is named first in Fast. Cap., Sergius first in Livy and Diod. Fast. Cap. preserves only the cognomen of Papirius ([- - - -] Mugillanus), the rest entire except [F]idenas. On Servilius, see 427, note 1, and 419, note 1. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 4.45.4; Diod. 13.2.1; Fast. Cap. (note 1); Chr. 354 (Structo II et Fidenas III); Degrassi 26f., 97, 376f. Sergius' defeat by the Aequi and Labicani led to the appointment of a Dictator (Liv. 4.46.5-12, cf. 47.6). On Papirius, see Lübker, no. 15. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Magister Equitum 418 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 4.46.10, Ahala; Fast. Cap.; Degrassi 26f., 97, 376f. See note 1. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate 417 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • In Fast. Cap. is preserved P. Lucretius Hosti f. [- - - - -], Agripp. Menenius T. f. A. [- - - - -]; and Chr. 354 has Tricipitino et Structo III. Servilius has the praenomen Gaius in Diod., but L. (for C. ?) in Livy, the cognomen Structus and the office for the second time (Livy). See 427, note 1, and 419, note 1; and Degrassi 96f., on 419. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 4.47.7; Diod. 13.7.1; Fast. Cap. (note 1); Chr. 354; Degrassi 26f., 97, 376f. (Broughton MRR I)