MARC2865 -. Marcius (not in RE)


  • Consul Suffectus 36 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Fast. Cap., Degrassi 58f. Q-] L. [-]), 135f., 5081.; Fast. Mag. Vic., ibid. 282, 288 (L. Nonius; Marcius); Fast. Biond., ibid. 291f. QL. No]ni[us]). On the filiation of Nonius, see Cichorius, RS 170. (Broughton MRR II)
    • Cos. Suff.. 36 (MRR 2.399). He may possibly be identified with Q. Marcius Crispus (52), who refused to continue in service under Cassius when he surrendered his forces to him in 43 (MRR 2.347), or with L. (Marcius) Figulus (64), who was prefect of the fleet under Dolabella in that year (MRR 2.356).[137] (Broughton MRR III)