VALE2913 M. Valerius (255) M. f. Messalla


  • Patrician

Life Dates

  • 80?, birth (Rüpke 2005)
  • 20?, death (Rüpke 2005)


  • Quindecemvir Sacris Faciundis? 35 to after 31 (Rüpke 2005)
  • Consul Suffectus 32 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • Fast. Cupr., Degrassi 244f.; Fast. Ven., ibid. 251, 254f.; Fast. Mag. Vic., ibid. 283, 288; Fast. Amit., ibid. 170f.; cf. ibid. 136, 5101.; on Cornelius, see PIR² 2.308, no. 1313, and 314, no. 1338; De Laet no. 126; on Valerius, see PIR 3.370, no. 94; De Laet no. 399. (Broughton MRR II)
    • Cos. Suff. 32. If he was a son of the consul of 53 (no. 268), as Syme suggests (JRS 45, 1955, 157-RP 1.264), he may be identified with Messal. f., monetalis in 53 (see above, no. 254). (Broughton MRR III)