CORN3165 C. Cornelius (89) Cethegus

Life Dates

  • 63, death - violent (Broughton MRR II) Expand

    Executed as Catilinarian.


brother of
-. Cornelius (84) Cethegus (sen. 63) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Ampel. 19.12

cousin of
L. Calpurnius (90) L. f. L. n. Men. Piso Caesoninus (cos. 58) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. dom. 62


  • Senator - Office Unknown before 62 (Broughton MRR II Appendix 3) Expand
    • Senator in 63 (Sall. Cat. 17.3), and a leader among the Catilinarian conspirators. (Broughton MRR II Appendix 3)