SEST3249 P. Sestuillius (Sextilius 14) P. f. Ouf.? Tro.?


  • Quaestor? before 39 (Broughton MRR II Appendix 2) Expand
    • Senator, perhaps quaestorius, named in the SC de Panamareis (Viereck no. 20). (Broughton MRR II Appendix 2)
    • Senator 39 (not in 35) (MRR 2.496). Both notices refer to the same person, and the reading of the text in the SC de Panamareis is Sestuillius (Sherk, RDGE no. 27, 258-262). The name has been fully established as Sestullius, both in the manuscripts of Cicero's Pro Flacco (see 84, 89, and elsewhere; cf. Schol. Bob. 106St) and in a considerable number of inscriptions of Phrygia of Asia Minor (S. Mitchell, A Roman Family in Phrygia, AS 29, 1979, 13-22; Badian, A Fundus at Fundi, AJPh 101, 1980, 470-482). Of the tribe the letters # are preserved in the text of the SC; it may be Oufentina or Tromentina (cf. L. R. Taylor, VDRR 255). (Broughton MRR III)