VALG3265 Q. Valgius (8A.2.2390) M. f. Rom.? Aem.? Cor.? Pob.?


  • Praetor? before 129 (Broughton MRR III) Expand
    • Senator in 129 (MRR 2.497; Sherk, RDGE 63-73, no. 12). Being sixth in order in the list of the consilium, he was probably of praetorian rank. See Syme, Historia 5, 1956, 206-RP 2.318. On possible datings, see above, on M'. Aquillius (10). (Broughton MRR III)
    • Before 101 (alternative dating of the SC de Agro Pergameno). p. 743, footnote 182 (Brennan 2000)