AEMI3331 Q. Aemilius (78) Lepidus


  • Patrician


  • Senator - Office Unknown? before 200 to after 1 (Broughton MRR III) Expand
    • Pliny includes him in a list of sudden deaths (NH 7.181), in a passage taken from Verrius Flaccus, after the names of two senators and before that of C. Aufustius, cum in senatum iret. Possibly father of M. Aemilius Q. f. M. n. Lepidus (72). Cos. 78, or a son of M. Aemilius M. f. Q. n. Lepidus (73), the IIIvir r. p. c. (RS, MS-RP 1.273-274). (Broughton MRR III)