CALP3343 P. Calpurnius (49) Lanarius


  • Officer (Title Not Preserved) 81 (Broughton MRR III) Expand
    • An officer, probably a legatus, under C. Annius in Spain in 81, who defeated and killed L. Livius Salinator (MRR 2.78) at the Pyrenees and opened the way for Annius to attack Sertorius (Sall. Hist. 1.96M, cf. 97; Plut. Sert. 7). Cicero mentions him (Off.' 3.66) as of a date before 91 when the father of Cato Uticensis was still alive. Perhaps a son of the monetalis P. Calpurnius (17). (RS, MS-RP 1.278). On the provinces, see Badian, M21. Piganiol 901ff. (Broughton MRR III)