ANON3426 -. -? (not in RE) Cillo (or Chilo?)?

Life Dates

  • 43, proscribed (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Hinard 43 no. 40

  • 43, death - violent (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Executed as proscriptus. Hinard 43 no. 40.


  • Repulsa (Tr. Pl.)? 44 (Pina Polo 2012) Expand
    • pp. 65-72 (Pina Polo 2012)
  • Senator - Office Unknown before 42 (Broughton MRR III) Expand
    • A senator who was proscribed in 43,(App. BC 4.27, #). Probably not identifiable with L. Flaminius (7), but might be a Vettius, an Annius, a Toranius, or a Magius, or, if the cognomen was really Gillo, a Fulvius (RS, MS 55-60-RP 1.270). (Broughton MRR III)