Prefect. Placed in command (#) by M. Lucullus, imperator, of the city of Mesembria on the Pontic coast of Thrace, he was honored by the city as benefactor and patron (Detchev, Bull. Arch. Inst. Sophia 17, 1950, 59-64, known to me from J. and L. Robert, Bull. epig. 1952, p. 156 f. and 1954, no. 177; G. Tibiletti, Governatori romani in citta provinciali, RIL 86, 1953, 64-100, esp. 70f.).
(Broughton MRR III)
Prefect. Placed in command (#) by M. Lucullus, imperator, of the city of Mesembria on the Pontic coast of Thrace, he was honored by the city as benefactor and patron (Detchev, Bull. Arch. Inst. Sophia 17, 1950, 59-64, known to me from J. and L. Robert, Bull. epig. 1952, p. 156 f. and 1954, no. 177; G. Tibiletti, Governatori romani in citta provinciali, RIL 86, 1953, 64-100, esp. 70f.).
(Broughton MRR III)