POST3792 C. Postumius (12) AT or TA
He was perhaps the candidate in 63 for the praetorship of 62, Postumus (RE no. 4; cf. Cic. Mur. 57), named in Cicero, Pro Murena, whom Sumner took to be a Postumius Albinus and a relative of Postumia, wife of Servius Sulpicius Rufus, the unsuccessful candidate for the consulship of 62 and later consul in 51 (Phoenix 25, 1971, 254, note 26; cf. Orators 144-145). Shackleton Bailey notes that identification of the monetalis C. Postumius with the candidate Postumus (the praenomen does not appear in the manuscript tradition of the Pro Murena) requires emendation of forms of Postumus to forms of Postumius in four out of five passages (Mur. 54, 56, 57a, 69). While he agrees that Postumia's name is a strong argument in favor of considering the praetorian candidate to be a Postumius Albinus, he would reject it, but in spite of the many emendations required in the Pro Murena, he is inclined to agree with Sumner in identifying the monetalis of 74 with Postumus (Postumius) the candidate of 63. See below, on L.? Postumius (15); Sumner, Orators 144145; cf. Phoenix 25, 1971, 254, note 26; Shackleton Bailey, CLA 4.310; Studies 58-60; HSPh 83, 1979, 257-259. (Broughton MRR III)
Life Dates
102?, birth (Sumner Orators)
Sumner R212.
- Monetalis 74 (RRC) Expand