VERG3843 L. Verginius (cf. 15) Tricostus Esquilinus


  • Patrician


  • Tribunus Militum Consulari Potestate 389 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Valerius' praenomen A. in Livy is corrected by reference to the number iterum (see 394) and Livy 5.26.2 and 6.5.7. Verginius may have been Mil. Tr. c. p. in 402. On possible identifications for Cornelius, see 394, note 1. The identification of Manlius is supported by the number tertium after his name in 383 (Liv. 6.21.1) and the cognomen in Chr. 354 on 385. On the name of Aemilius, see Fast. Cap. for 380; on that of Postumius, see 381, Mil. Tr. c. p. On Papirius, see 382, note 1. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 6.1.8; Diod. 15.22.1; Chr. 354 (Tricosto et Albino); cf. Cass. Hem. fr. 20 Peter, and Gell. fr. 25 Peter in Macrob. Sat. 1.16.22. See Degrassi 101, 388f. Aemilius held command against the Etruscans and Manlius near the city (Liv. 6.2.8). On Valerius, see Münzer, Gent. Val. 36, no. 6. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Münzer, quoted by Gundel in RE, holds that his trial and fine by the tribunes of the plebs in 401 (see MRR 1.84; Ogilvie, Comm. Liv 644, 649) practically ended the importance of the patrician line, although there are two later appearances of patrician Verginii, one in 389 (MRR 1.96) and the other perhaps in 373 (MRR 1.110, note 1). This would make the identification of no. 15 with the Tr. Mil. c. p. of 389 less probable (see MRR 1.96 and 98, note 3). No numeral suggesting iteration is preserved. (Broughton MRR III)