CAEC3979 Q. Caecilius (23)


  • Eques R Expand

    Nicolet Ref 60. Nep. Att. 5.1. eques Romanus

Life Dates

  • 58, death (DPRR Team) Expand

    Old age. Corn. Nepos Att. 5.1-2, VM 7.8.5.


brother of
Caecilia? (124c) (sister of Q. Caecilius (23) (eq. R. ?)) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Nep. Att. 5.1

adoptive father of
T. Pomponius (102) Atticus (eq. R.) (Zmeskal 2009) Expand

Cic. Att. III 20