VOLU4558 -. Volumnius (9)


  • Eques R Expand

    Nicolet Ref 400. Val. Max. 4.7.4. eques Romanus

Life Dates

  • 43, proscribed (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Hinard 43 no. 157

  • 42, death - violent (Hinard 1985) Expand

    Executed after B. of Philippi.


  • Officer (Title Not Preserved)? 42 (DPRR Team) Expand
    • VM 4.7.4. Fought and captured at Philippi, his status (equestrian, important enough to be brought before Antony when captured) and connections (friend of Lucullus) suggest that he was an officer. (DPRR Team)