He introduced bills for Caesar's program to beautify the plan of the city (Cic. Att. 13.20.1, and 33a.4, and 35.1, gentilis tuus; cf. Suet. Iul. 44; Dio 43.49). His office is not named, but he was almost certainly a Tribune since no Praetors were elected until Caesar's return from Spain early in September. See Niccolini, FTP 344. (Broughton MRR II)
In MRR 2.307, delete the name of the Caecilius listed as a tribune of the plebs in 45. He was apparently an architect and in any case had first seen Rome less than two years before (Shackleton Bailey, CLA 5.381; cf. Att. 13.20, 33a.4, and 35.1).
(Broughton MRR III)