Officer (Title Not Preserved)
(DPRR Team)
App. BC 4.129, Plut. Brut. 50.1-9, Plut. Ant. 69.1.. Af Philippi. After the defeat he bought Brutus time by telling some Antonian troops that he was Brutus and that he wished to surrender to their commander. His ruse revealed when in Antony's presence, Antony nonetheless accepted Lucilius into his own service, where he remained until Antony's end. (DPRR Team)
Officer (Title Not Preserved)
41 to 30
(DPRR Team)
App. BC 4.129, Plut. Brut. 50.1-9, Plut. Ant. 69.1.. In Antony's service between Philippi and Antony's death. (DPRR Team)