IUNI0587 C. Iunius (62) C. f. C. n. Bubulcus Brutus


  • Consul 317 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 9.20.7, and 21.1; Diod. 19.17.1; Fast. Cap. (names entire); Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; Degrassi 36f., 109, 418f. They held command in Apulia and Lucania (Liv. 9.20.8-9; cf. Diod. 19.65.7, under 316). (Broughton MRR I)
  • Consul 313 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 9.28.2; Diod. 19.77.1; Fast. Cap. (names entire); Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; Fest. 458 L; Degrassi 36f., 110, 418f. Iunius is credited in some of Livy's sources with the capture of Nola, Atina and Calatia (Liv. 9.28.5-6; cf. Diod. 19.101.2; see Dictator). On Papirius, see Lübker no. 9. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Dictator? 312 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • It is to be noted that though Livy's text clearly names Bubulcus Dictator (see Conway and Walters ad loc.), he departs from his usual practice in failing to mention the Master of Horse. Could there possibly have been a lacuna? In any case, as Conway and Walters point out, the following pronoun is in Livy's text must refer to the Dictator, not the Master of Horse.{161} (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 9.29.3 (Dict., appointed to meet an Etruscan threat); Fast. Cap. (Mag. Eq.). See Degrassi 36f., 110, 420f. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Magister Equitum? 312 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • It is to be noted that though Livy's text clearly names Bubulcus Dictator (see Conway and Walters ad loc.), he departs from his usual practice in failing to mention the Master of Horse. Could there possibly have been a lacuna? In any case, as Conway and Walters point out, the following pronoun is in Livy's text must refer to the Dictator, not the Master of Horse.{161} (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 9.29.3 (Dict., appointed to meet an Etruscan threat); Fast. Cap. (Mag. Eq.). See Degrassi 36f., 110, 420f. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Triumphator 311 (Rich 2014) Expand
    • Triumph de Samnitibus. MRR I.161, Itgenshorst no. 80, Rich no. 80. (Rich 2014)
  • Consul 311 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 9.30.1; Diod. 20.3.1 ({Gr} for Iunius); Fast. Cap. (names entire); Chr. 354; Fast. Hyd.; Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; Degrassi 36f., 110, 420f. Iunius held command in Samnium where he regained Cluviae and captured Bovianum of the Pentri, and returned to celebrate a triumph; Aemilius in Etruria, where he relieved Sutrium, and returned to celebrate a triumph (Liv. 9.31-32; Diod. 20.25, who puts both Consuls in Apulia; Act. Tr., Degrassi 70f., 542; Zon. 7.1). Both Consuls refused to recognize the order of the Senate established by the Censors Claudius and Plautius (Liv. 9.30.1-2). (Broughton MRR I)
  • Magister Equitum 310 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 9.38.15, and 40.8-9. See Degrassi 36f., 110, 420f.; and 309, Master of Horse. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Magister Equitum 309 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Fast. Cap.; cf. 310, Dictator and Master of Horse; Degrassi 36f., 110, 420f. The third "Dictator" year. Fast. Cap. lists a Dict. and a Mag. Eq. as above with the note "Hoc anno dictator et magister eq. sine cos. fuerunt." The Act. Tr. lists the triumph of the Dictator and that of Fabius Rullianus (Cos. 310) in this year, that of the latter as Procos. Livy places these magistrates and triumphs all in 310, and Diod. that of Rullianus in his consulship. As before, Chr. 354 has the note "Hoc anno dictatores; non fuerunt (consules)," while the Fast. Hyd. and Chr. Pasc. place the Dict. and the Mag. Eq. with the Consuls of 310. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Censor 307 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 9.43.25-26; 10.1.9; Fast. Cap. (names entire); Val. Max. 2.9.2; Degrassi 38f., 110, 422f. Brutus let contracts for building the temple of Salus, and for roads (Liv.; cf. on Salus, Grueber, CRRBM 1.248f.; Cesano, Stud. Num. 1.154f.). On Valerius, see Münzer, Gent. Val. 50, no. 50. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Dictator 302 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Appointed to quell a rebellion among the Aequi, over whom he celebrated a triumph (Liv. 10.1.8-9; Act. Tr. (name entire); Fast. Cap. ([- -] n. Bubulcus Br[utus]); Val. Max. 8.14.6; see above, Consuls). (Broughton MRR I)
  • Triumphator 302 (Rich 2014) Expand
    • Triumph de Aequeis. MRR I.169, Itgenshorst no. 88, Rich no. 88. (Rich 2014)