FABI0078 K. Fabius (159) K. f. Vibulanus


  • Patrician
  • Nobilis Expand

    Ovid. Fast. 2.226, Eutrop. 1.16, Hieron. Chron. Ol.72.4 (at Cremera)


grandfather of
Q. Fabius (165) M. f. K. n. Vibulanus (cos. 467) (RE)


  • Quaestor 485 Rome (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Prosecuted Sp. Cassius for perduellio, and secured his condemnation (Liv. 2.41.11; Dion. Hal. 8.77.2-80.1; cf. 82.3, and 87.2; Piso, fr. 37, Peter; Cic. Dom. 101; Rep. 2.49 and 60; Lael. 28 and 36; Phil. 2.114; Liv. 4.15.4; Diod. 11.37.7; Val. Max. 5.8.2; 6.3.1; Flor. 1.17.7; Dio fr. 19; Zon. 7.17). On these Quaestors, see Mommsen, Str. 2.537ff.; Latte, TAPhA 67 (1936) 24ff. On Valerius, see CIL 1 .1, p. 190; Münzer, Gent. Val. 49, no. 44. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Consul 484 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 2.42.2; Diod. 11.38.1; Dion. Hal. 8.83.1, who records the filiations; Chr. 354 (Mamerco et Vivulano); Fast. Hyd. (Mamerco et Fabio), so also Chr. Pasc.; Cassiod.; see Degrassi 89, 354f. Aemilius fought Volscians and Aequi (Liv. 2.42.3; Dion. Hal. 8.84.1-87.1), and Fabius was sent to aid the Latins and Hernicans (Dion. Hal. 8.84.1). Diod. (11.40.5) mentions a treaty with Tusculum. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Consul 481 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Liv. 2.43.2, and 46.6; Diod. 11.48.1; Fast. Cap. ([- - - -] n. Fusus); Dion. Hal. 9.1.1; Chr. 354 (Vivulano III et Pelos); Fast. Hyd. (Sabino et Fugo); Chr. Pasc. ({Gr}); Cassiod.; Zon. 7.17; Degrassi 24f., 89, 356f. According to Livy (2.43.5-11), Fabius fought the Aequi and Furius the Veientani; according to Dion. Hal. (9.2.3-4.3), the reverse. Cf. Val. Max. 9.3.5; Zon. 7.17. (Broughton MRR I)
  • Consul 479 (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • Fabius' praenomen as given in Livy (C. or G.) and that of Verginius in Entrop. (L.) are corrected by the other sources. On Verginius' filiation, see CIL 1(2). 1, pp. 16 and 30; Degrassi 89. Zonaras adds a third name, {Gr}. (Broughton MRR I)
    • Liv. 2.48.1; Diod. 11.51.1; Fast. Cap. ([- - - -Op]et. n.Tricost(us) Ruti[l(us)]; Dion. Hal. 9.14.1; Eutrop. 1.16; Chr. 354 (Vivulano IIII et Trutillo); Fast. Hyd. (Rutilio et Fabio IIII); Chr. Pasc. ({Gr}); Cassiod.; Degrassi 24f., 89, 356f. Fabius fought against the Aequi, and when his colleague was defeated by the Veientani led the Fabian clan against them (Liv. 2.48.1-49.8; Dion. Hal. 9.14.1-15.7; cf. Zon. 7.17). (Broughton MRR I)
  • Proconsul 478 Latium (Broughton MRR I) Expand
    • In command of the Fabii at the Cremera (Dion. Hal. 9.16.3; {Gr}). (Broughton MRR I)