Search Results 4076 Edit search

  1. AEMI4706 Q. Aemilius (A) Lepidus (sen. C3-C1?)

  2. PAPI3017 Q. Papirius (24) (tr. pl. between 173 and 155?)

  3. LICI3102 P. Licinius (27) (procos. against the Iapydes)

  4. CORN3133 P. Cornelius (cf. 331) P. f. P. n. Scipio (flam. Dial. c. 175)

  5. MINU3705 L. Minucius (not in RE) Thermus (aed. cur. C2/C1?)

  6. MENA2988 P. Menates (1) P. f. (aed. pl.? after 150?)

  7. ANON3117 -. -us? (not in RE) M. f. (leg. 2 H C2)

  8. LUCI3810 -. Lucilius (cf. 4) Hirrus (sen. late C2?)

  9. LUCI3814 -. Lucilius (cf. 18) (Balbus?)? (sen.? C2)

  10. ATIL2944 P. Atilius (not in RE) L. f. (pr. late C2)

  11. OPIM3126 M. Opimius (8) (son of? L. Opimius (4) Q. f. Q. n. (cos. 121))

  12. ANON3457 M. - (not in RE) (q. pro pr.? late C2)

  13. IUNI4046 M. Iunius (50) Brutus (eq. R.? C2/C1)

  14. AURI4571 L. Aurifex (1) (iudex c. 123-80)

  15. CLUV1768 C. Cluvius (2) L. f. (pr. late C2)

  16. FABI2960 -. Fabius (144) Senator (pr. C1?)

  17. OCTA2990 Cn.? Octavius (3) Cn. f. (aed. cur. C1)

  18. POST2993 -. Postumius (?) A. f. (aed. cur. C1)

  19. OCTA3018 M. Octavius (32) Cn. f. (tr. pl. between 99 and 87)

  20. ANON3054 M. -? (not in RE) (q. C1)

  21. PAVU3055 P. Tubitanus (Pavus) Pavus (q. C1?)

  22. PUBL3068 Q. (Publicius)? (13?) Mall(eolus)? (proq. pro pr. date uncertain)

  23. FONT3101 M'. Fonteius (10) (leg. lieut. 75 to 72)

  24. SEMP3104 M. (Sempronius) (not in RE) (Rutilus) (procos. C1)

  25. IUNI3114 L. Iunius (21a) (leg. lieut. ca. 100 or ca. 43-42 or ca. 38-36)

  26. CALP3121 L. Calpurnius (14) (III vir cap. C1)

  27. CORN3287 -. Cornelius (not in RE) (tr. pl.? early C1)

  28. AEFI3300 M. Aeficius (1.475) Calvinus (praef. C1)

  29. CAEL3336 T. Caelius (not in RE) (sen. early C1)

  30. FURI3418 -. Furius (cf. 62, Fulvius 108) Leptinus? (pr. C1?)

  31. PROC3419 -. Procilius (not in RE) (pr. C1?)

  32. COEL3435 -. Coelius (not in RE) (leg. early C1)

  33. IUVE3744 M'. Iuventius (not in RE) L. f. Laterensis (pr. C1?)

  34. PACU3768 Sex. Pacuius (Pacuvius?)? (cf. 76) Taurus (aed. pl. C1?)

  35. POPI3790 M. Popillius (23, cf. 7) M. f. Laenas (leg. pro. pr. early C1)

  36. LUSI3809 N. Lusius (not in RE) N. f. Cor. Nomentanus (praef. fabr. C1?)

  37. HERE3972 Sex. Herennius (14) (eq. R.? late C2/C1)

  38. SULP4674 T. Sulpicius (not in RE) T. f. (sacerdos Isidis c. 100-75?)

  39. OCTA4682 Cn. Octavius (not in RE) Cn. f. (q. C1)

  40. OTAC4689 L. Otacilius (not in RE) P. f. Rufus (tr. pl. late C2 or early C1)

  41. VELL3036 C. Velleius (1) Mae. (tr. pl. between 91 and 81)

  42. SEPT3057 P. Septimius (11) (q. C1)

  43. VIBI3063 T. Vibius (19) Temudinus (q. Sullan period)

  44. PAPI4577 L. Papirius (71) Potamo (eq. R. late C2/C1)

  45. COEL4646 P. Coelius (not in RE) P. f. Etruscus (haruspex? C1?)

  46. APPU2941 C. Appuleius (31) M. f. Tappo (pr. late Repulic/early Augustan)

  47. CAEC2953 L. Caecina (not in RE) L. f. (pr. late Republic/early Augustan)

  48. FRUT2955 M. Fruticius (1) M. f. Pob.? (pr. late Republic/early Augustan)

  49. CORN2961 -. Cornelius (163) Gallus (pr. late Republic/early Augustan)

  50. SANQ2968 Q. Sanquinius (3) Q. f. Ste. (pr. late Republic/early Augustan)